Handwriting Analysis Charges

What I require

Where to send the scripts

David Bennett,
25 Lyndhurst Court,
Lyndhurst Road,
Hove BN3 6FZ

For all analyses, I will need original scripts, but photocopies will do. Ideally I need 2 A4 sheets plain, unlined paper of original handwriting for the indepth analysis. However I can work with less if necessary. The handwriting should be done in the same sitting. Unfortunately, I cannot take scanned scripts because this affects the size of the writing.

What you receive

Please note: For all analyses, it is helpful to know the age and sex of the writer and also whether they are left or right handed writers

How to pay

Please send cheques with the samples of writing.

I do not start work until I have received the client's cheque; as with all monies received via cheque I offer a full satisfaction guarantee the client's money is refunded.

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